Friday, January 05, 2007

blog birthday

I just noticed that I've actually missed my blog's birthday. I started this blog on the 30th December 2005, a year and six days ago. Here you can see my first and second ever posts (even then I was posting more than once on some days, and then not for several days! But it was because I was so excited to have a comment, and I do still get excited about comments, so nothing much has really changed.)

In my second ever post I wrote
"I wonder what on earth I'll be doing this time next year. Knowing what last year was like, I'm sure I won't be doing whatever seems most likely at the moment - This time last year I was expecting to be a primary teacher by now, however things happened slightly differently."

Yes, things are definitely different. I'm living back at home in London - last year I was living just south of Cambridge with a girl who'd been on a similar course to mine at the same college of the university. (Sorry Cambridge is a bit confusing, there are lots of different colleges, which are all part of the University). This time last year Bekki was only just moving to Cambridge, and I was the one firmly established there, that's now been reversed.

I'm still working in a primary school, but now it's a different one. I'm still supporting children on a one-to-one basis, but now it's in a slightly different role. I'm also back to helping in sunday school at church, which I had been doing in Cambridge before I started blogging, but had stopped because life had got to busy (although not too busy to start a blog, apparently!) The final difference I'm going to mention is that I've lost some weight since then.

So, Happy Belated Birthday to me and my blog :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday little blo-og
Happy birthday to you!!!!
May you have many more!!