But then of course there are does other questions. Questions like why doesn't that bit of hair at the back curl under like all the rest? Why do buses always come in threes? Why don't penguin's feet freeze? And they lead me on nicely to telling you about my Christmas present from HP. It's a book called Why don't penguins feet freeze? and it's next on my list to start reading. She has a book that answers the bus question, which I have read, but can't answer off hand without looking at it again. And the hair question? Well that's just something I wondered after blow drying my hair, and all of it going under perfectly apart from the bit at the back.
This things to remember bit of the post - well that's simple. If you take a picture from your car whilst waiting at lights you might want to note that since you're behind the glass you will see all the dirt on the glass, and it may well reflect some of what's in the car as well (look, at the top you can see my fingers on the steering wheel being reflected). But if you think it looks cool anyhow you can still put it on your blog. So long as you write a post a bit like this to explain it to all your readers.
1 comment:
Hello Debs, I'm Bekki's friend Nathan, and buses come in threes because if the first bus is a little bit late then it'll start having to collect all the people who waited for it and a couple of people who were actually intending to get the next bus, which will make it take slightly longer at each stop than it meant to. That will then make it even later so it has to pick up even more people at the next stop, and even more at the next stop, and so on. Meanwhile the next bus, the one behind it, has fewer people to pick up at each stop (as the first one is picking up an increasing proportion of the second one's passengers with every stop) so is getting to places quicker, until, about 40 min into the service (or, at least, it takes about that long in Geneva, which is where I have most of my bus experience), the secnod bus is nearly empty and about 100 yards behind the first.
The third just joins in cos it thinks it's a party, and it's having a lot of fun so no-one likes to tell it otherwise.
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