Saturday, April 08, 2006

My weekend in pictures

Every Saturday we get The Times and The Guardian newspapers. This started back when Bekki was still at home and she wanted The Guardian and my Mum wanted The Times. I think that although Bekki is now up in Cambridge my Mum got used to reading bits from the The Guardian and that's why we still get both.

Over breakfast (sometimes quite literally, in that there's no where to put your plate without someone plonking a bit of paper on top on it) these two papers get opened and spread around as people have developed their own preferences as to which bits they read first.

My Dad is in charge of buying the papers from the handy newsagents just up the road. Actually, from where we live there are newsagents in pretty much every direction, but he always buys them at the 'ding-dong' shop (so called by HP many moons ago. Something to do with the electric ping that sounds whenever someone opens the door of the shop. To be honest I don't even know if they have that still, but the nickname lives on in our house).

My mum usually starts with the actual news bit of the Times, although this photo was taken a bit later in the day when she's moved on to the magazines. It somehow takes my Mum more than a week to read all the different bits from both papers, which is unfortunate as we continue to buy them each week. The problem of building up papers is either solved by one of the rest of us sneaking bits into the recycling bin, or special catching up sessions in the holidays. (I found out later what she's reading in the picture was actually a magazine from last week, that just proves my point really)

Today HP started with the 60 page puzzle special - an Easter holiday special from The Guardian.

I always go for the Times magazine first, usually followed by Weekend from The Guardian and Body & Soul from the Times. After that I might read some news bits, but since we have Radio 4 on in our house a lot of the time, I am usually fairly up to date with the main news (like knowing about the swan found in Scotland a couple of days ago that died from bird flu).

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