Wednesday, September 26, 2007

The funny way my brain works

It’s funny how little things can spark off memories. I just opened Microsoft Word for the first time in ages and the little paperclip ‘office assistant’ popped up as he is wont to do. I wanted to get rid of him because he was in the way of where I wanted to type so I right clicked on him. That made me notice the animate option, so just for fun I clicked on it and watched him do a few tricks. I was somehow whisked through time and space to be back in the room I lived in during my first year at university. I was sitting using Laurence’s laptop writing an assignment at the very last minute, so last minute, in fact that I was writing it through the night on a borrowed computer! (Laurence had pity on my and lent me his laptop so I could work in my room and not have to sit in the computer room in the middle of the night).

I clicked through the different assistants you can pick from – it starts up with the paperclip, but you can chose from a cat, dog, robot, or little old man. Actually on this version there are a couple of other options as well, but those were the ones I remember. I used to like having the dog one and would spent happy minutes distracting myself from the work I was meant to be doing. The robot definitely reminds me of Imogen, who also kindly let me use her computer to do an assignment, and I’m sure that’s the assistant she had (that’s right isn’t it, Imogen, if you’re reading this?) Actually, the song that’s just started playing also fits with that season of life. It sounds a bit like some of the songs on a CD I listened to over and over - If I ever find a copy of the CD ‘Hot Pop’, that I borrowed from Imogen on a long term basis, I will snap it up in a second.

[Talking of CDs, I really will try to bring the one I need to return to you this weekend, Imogen. I’m really sorry I’ve had it so long.] I’m looking forward to this weekend because I’m going to see some great uni people and have a lovely chilled out time.

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