Sunday, February 18, 2007

Adding to the blog roll

As ever, the list of blogs I read is far greater than the list of blogs on my blog roll, and it seemed right that I ought to link to some more of my favourite reads, and hence share them with you, my faithful readers.

Before I do, however, let me point you towards One Weigh or Another. I check the blogs of the OWOA ladies on that blogroll every day, and you'll find some great reading if you check those out. In particular let me mention Lady Laura, whose blog I love to read, so much so that I am adding her to my blogroll as well (other OWOA ladies, please don't be offended if you're not on my sidebar, it just means that I click through to you from OWOA instead!)

I've been reading Arwen's blog ever since I discovered her on Bekki's blogroll a while back. A couple of other blogs I've grown to love, courtesy of Bekki, are Light and Momentary and Jules (who I actually know in real life as she goes to my church).

A blog I discovered with the help of Works for me Wednesdays over at Rocks in my Dryer is Life in a Shoe, which is the blog of a mother who has eight children. I have an awful amount of respect for her and love to read about their family exploits!

That's all the links I can think of off the top of my head, but you can be sure there are still more to come some day soon! Do click over and see what you think, you may even find them more exciting than me ;-)

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