Thursday, January 17, 2013

31 DBC - What are you reading?

-Well, I'm doing a 40 bible study along with the rest of my church, reading a different passage and devotional passage every day.

What else? Well facebook and blogs most days, but I've already linked up some of those.

I like dipping into a book called How to Feed Your Whole Family a Healthy, Balanced Diet with Very Little Money . . .: With Very Little Money and Hardly Any Time, Even If You Have a tiny kitchen, only three saucepans (one with an ill-fitting lid) and no fancy gadgets - Unless You Count the Garlic Crusher...

 It's a good reference for inspiration for dinner at short notice! And is written in a funny, readable way. I'd definitely recommend it :)

I don't read it start to finish, but even though Jaiden is my second child, I still like to check things out in the 'What to Expect' books. I got the pregnancy one out of the library, but I was lucky enough to be given What to Expect the 1st Year and What to Expect: the Toddler Years from a friend who had finished using them. I'd definately recommend as they cover things from feeding to sleep to nappy contents and everything inbetween!

Finally, a couple of books I got for Christmas...
More Make it Fast, Cook it Slow . A book with slow cooker recipes on a budget, as originally featured on Stephanie O'Dea's blog,  A year of slowing cooking. I think it was last Christmas I got her first book Make It Fast, Cook It Slow

And one I'm hoping might help me to get Sophia eating veg! The Great Big Veg Challenge: How to get your children eating vegetables happily by Charlotte Hume, which also originated as a blog.

(I'm dipping my toe into being an amazon affiliate, so there are links in this post)

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