Friday, July 29, 2011

'Free food'

I love this time of year. So many crops are about ready to be harvested. Last week I brought home a box of blackberries we picked in my mum's garden, and on Wednesday I made some of them into blackberry muffins (using a blueberry muffin recipe and swapping out the fruit for blackberries).

Pretty much every time we go to my in laws' house we come home with a bag of bits and pieces from their allotment. We've had potaotes and onion and some rhubard too this week. I'm deciding whether to stew that or make crumble. I think Menard likes it just stewed, so we'll do that. I've already promised my Mother in Law that when I get around to making apple and blackberry crumble I will take some around to her!

My friend Danielle has a pear tree and an apple tree in her garden. She was telling me the other day that she thinks they'll be ready to pick soon, and was I too pregnant to be her picking helper? I said of course not! Though of course if I do go to help I'll be sensible and take care. I know my grandma has an apple tree too, and we usually end up helping her use some of those. Yummy!

I've still got carrots and potatoes growing in tubs out in the garden, and a tomato plant from Danielle, though I'm not sure if that'll fruit this year or not. That reminds me though, my mum's tomaotes and beans are doing well!

Don't you just love growing your own food or having the chance to share other people's homegrown delights?!


Anonymous said...

I had fun making Cherry jam the other day. My parents have a cherry tree and got 7 large freezer bags full of cherries. They very kindly gave us a whole bag :D

Mary deB said...

rhubarb and apple crisp = delicious!
I hope you are doing well in the pregnancy -- my big guy talked to the baby through my belly button as a direct link.