Ok, so we're off tomorrow, and those words didn't exactly fit right, but I made an effort! And we'll get to see her and most of her housemates perform in Princess Ida. I'm really excited. Especially since Bekki will be there for the weekend too, and my Grandparents and Uncle (featured in this previous post, among others!) are coming to the performance. And HP's boyfriend Steve is going to come too (so he has someone to sit with!)
(In case it wasn't totally clear, the title of this post was to be sung to the tune of 'We're off to see the wizard' from the Wizard of Oz.)
yayay cant wait to see you either
also, where on earth was that picture taken? i dont remember it at all
It was taken in that pub in Waltham Abbey (where you thought you had lost your watch, but actually it turned up under the sofa!)
ahhh yes i remember now
Oh so thats why you weren't at the wedding on Sat. Really missed u being there, then didn't get chance to talk this morning in church. Saw you and little Debbie having fun tho. I had some fun with the Little One today :) He made me smile. This must be the longest post, so I will stop now. Maybe email exchange would be better? See you Weds I hope, love Ang x PS Hope you had fun with HP and family x
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