Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The story of the M1 disaster (part one)

On Friday I went to visit DebbieBoo for the day. On the way I'd intended to drive up the M1, but a sign on the M25 told me that there were delays on the M1, so I drove up the A1 instead. I managed to find my way to her house, despite having directions that were from the M1 and A6, rather than the A1 and whatever road is was I took after that.

I had a lovely day with Boo, I got to have lunch with her and her boyfriend, and get to know him a bit more (although she says he's not usually that grumpy, he'd just come off a night shift ;) ) and lots of chatting and catching up and chilling out. I also got to visit the night shelter where Boo works, and we watched PS I love you on DVD in the afternoon. What better way to spend a day?!

The route home from Bedford to London ought to be easy. You take the A6 to Luton, and then the M1 to where it meets the M25. The M25 to my home, I can almost do with my eyes shut (well, if someone else is driving!). Last time I drove home from Bedford I somehow managed to lose the A6 before I'd even got very far out of Bedford. I ended up giving up on that route, and taking different, longer route. This time I vowed that I'd try again. I found the A6, I stayed on the A6. I made it all the way to Luton. That's where it all went horribly wrong.

(I was going to type it all in one go, but I've run out of energy, so I'll post this and write the rest tomorrow)


HP said...

Did it make you cry? The film I mean

Pig wot flies said...

Hang on, Boo has a boyfriend? I missed this! Who is he? What's he called? How long?

I should probably ask Boo! :o)

Cristina said...

Yeah...what's this, a boyfriend? Looks like she needs to update us on her blog. ;)

Debbie said...

Haha! You ladies are funny! Cristina, I've basically replaced my blog with Facebook, so you should get on there for updates! ;o)

No, I do need to get back to the blog. And OWOA. Hopefully soon!

Cristina said...

How do I find you all on facebook?