Tuesday, January 05, 2010

2009 - what a year

I got pregnant. (And lots of other events, but that pretty much overshadowed all of them)
I had an interview and got a job.

I had my first scan after some bleeding, and nearly squeezed my mum's hand off when we saw the heart beating.
Menard and I got engaged. I suffered horribly with morning sickness nausea (and made a mental list of all the different places I puked in! Later the list became places I'd wee-ed. I'm a classy girl!). I started my new job, and somehow managed not to ever puke there, although there were a couple of times that it was pretty close.

We planned our wedding in two and a half weeks - because we wanted to have it at our church during the Sunday service, and the only date we could do it was the 5th April.

We got married and honeymooned for a few days in the Lake District and then back in our new flat, settling in and generally enjoying being newlyweds!

My birthday month and when the bump definitely began to show.

Nothing all that much I can remember. My extended family gathered to celebrate my Grandad's 80th birthday, but I couldn't be there as I had my first antenatal appointment at my local hospital (I transferred my care after I got married, well eventually I did, it took a while!)

All I really remember is it was hot and I was pregnant! I got swine flu at the end of the school term and missed the last few days. I was very poorly and it took me a long time to get better. Menard's birthday was this month as well.

A month of weddings - both my cousin and my sister HP got married. I was quite involved in helping my Mum stay sane in the lead up to HP's wedding!

I returned to work for 7 days, which was plenty. I was pretty big and easily tired, so I really enjoyed it once I got on maternity leave.

Sophia Louise arrived 3 hours and 33 minutes after her due date, which I think is pretty god going. Most of that month went by with little sleep and lots of baby adoration. We celebrated our 6 month anniversary.

We were beginning to settle in to the having a baby thing, but still not making any big plans. I think it's an achievement if I actually get dressed and do some washing up before my husband gets home from work!

Building up to Sophia's first Christmas. I did lots of my Christmas shopping online! Sophia got to celebrate with both set of grandparents, did lots of smiling and had lots of cuddles. We spend New Years eve at a church prayer and praise celebration, and Sophia was very good on the whole, despite being up way past her bedtime.


Elly said...

sorry not sure what happened inJune but the birthday thing was in August and it was Grandma's 80th. you did have your antenatal appointment that day, you just got the month wrong

Debs said...

That would make more sense, wouldn't it. I was thinking that I was more pregnant than that.