Wednesday, November 28, 2007

And there's nothing at all to be done about that

Bonus points if you know what song that line is from.

We've had a really busy few days which is why I haven't blogged for a while. On Monday we worked out on the bike (and did programs that were pretty tough too. We made it to the end of them, but it explains some towards why we were so tired). A lot of the rest of the day was tidying up in the house and going out to run errands. We went to a Goodwill (which is so huge. I will never look at charity shops back home in the same light. Maybe I'll take pictures at some point). and I found two tops and some dungarees which is so cool. I just have a thing about dungarees and haven't had any since I was little. I need to lose a few more pounds before I can wear them without looking and feeling extremely stupid, but hopefully that won't be too far away :-)

After Goodwill we went to the post office and then on to Walmart. When you're out with four boys in tow somehow just going to three stores can take most of the day. In the evening we did some prep for our ladies bible study (which we went to today) and just chatted for a while. I had tried to write an email to all the people in my small group earlier in the day, but just as I pressed send the internet connection went down and I lost the whole thing. That made me a bit sad, but I feel ok now.

Today we were out from 8.30am until 6pm. This morning we had ladies bible study at church which was good. Especially since I got to cuddle a not at all old (I think maybe a month old?)beautiful baby girl. Which of course, for me, made it a great morning :-)
After bible study we went to drum lessons (Andrew and Daniel take lessons with a man from the church called Eric) and we ate lunch there with Lisa (Eric's wife) and their two children, and then this afternoon we went to their house and did some fun crafty stuff. We made some paper mache balls, which next week we will go back and paint and turn into Christmas decorations. Toward the end of the afternoon we went, along with some other kids from that street, to a park and the older kids enjoyed playing football, while the younger ones were on the climbing frame and slides.

By the time we got home we were all sleepy so we got a quick dinner (I love eating leftovers :-) ) and then once we'd got the kids off to bed I sat down to read and sort out my emails. About an hour later I finally got around to writing this post, and now it's 9.20pm and if the internet connection stays on long enough for me to put this post up then I will be very happy and totally ready to go to bed.


Anonymous said...

Enjoyed catching up. Haven't a clue where that line comes from. Small group in US or UK?
Big hugs, mummy

Pig wot flies said...

Mungojerry and Rumpleteaser.

Kathleen said...

If I go to Wal-Mart with my two boys I refuse to go anywhere else for the rest of the day. Except bed. I couldn't think where the line was from, either, but once the answer was posted it all came back to me!

Anonymous said...

I am still in the dark.

Debs said...

It's from Cats. Does that help?

Pig wot flies said...

Mungojerrie and Rumpelteazer were a very notorious couple of cats

Anonymous said...

oh. no not really. funny i can't put a tune to it. will get Bekki to sing it to me tomorrow.

The King and I said...

Miss you. Glad you're having a great time. X