Monday, May 07, 2007

Friday afternoon

On Friday I got to go out on a trip with the class I work with at school in the afternoons. We went to the lake and park which are about a 15 minute walk away to look at things growing. The science topic the class is just starting is all about seeds germinating and such like, but so far as I can tell the trip was really just to go out and enjoy the sunshine! Ok, so we did have a 'tree guide' sheet to look at to try and identify some of the differnet species, but I have to admit my group and I weren't so good at all that. We were tending to go for the "well that one's Dave, and this one is Bob" sort of indentifying more than the oak\beech\whatever.

We found lots of sapplings and talked about their location, and how likely there were to be sucessful to last out against fierce competition (surrounding stinging nettles and such like), and I took a few photos, but obviously had to be careful about not taking any that were identifiable. This is one I took of my group - each of us put in one foot. As you can see I had five delightful children to look after. Once we'd done a bit of tree spotting, and even a little tree hugging we got to go into the park area and play rounders. I could happily cope with more school afternoons like this one...


Anonymous said...

Ah school trips.I remember one in middle school where we went to a pond/lake to look at the types of life that were there.I think we had to do a project on it or something.But that was one of the few school trips that I have been on, which I always thought was unfair.But school trips had nothing on crystal rainforst, the best vaguely educationl/logic game ever to make its way into shcools.Ah this post really brings back the memories.

Kathleen said...

All classes should make SOME excuse to go outside once the weather brightens up in the spring. Even if you end up finding Daves and Bobs instead of Oaks and Beeches or Elms.