Sunday, June 11, 2006

I'm eating yoghurt covered oat and cranberry things from M&S, and they're yummy

This weekend has been even hotter than last weekend. Yesterday (Saturday) I went shopping in Cambridge with Imogen, and then we went on to a BBQ at the house of some friends of ours, Sarah and John, who are moving away from Cambridge in July, so this was a sort of goodbye meal. It was a beautiful day, with a breeze to keep the heat down a bit, which was probably part of the problem. Combine that with fairly old sun-cream, and you have an explanation for why certain bits of me are now looking a bit pink (in particular patches on my arms, legs, and my nose). I did put loads of sun-cream on, and re-apply it as well, so the only explanation I have is that it was just too old.

Today Bekki came home with me after church and we cooked some yummy couscous for lunch. Imogen has gone out to lunch with some people from her church. This afternoon Bekki is revising (she’s doing an open university course, and has an exam coming up) and I’ve done a bit of cleaning, and then a great deal of catching up with all my favourite blogs. I haven’t really had a chance to get on the computer this week, what with Imogen needing to plan for school, and also write reports for all the millions of children in her class (although we’re in the same age group class, the classes in my school are significantly smaller than hers, and I don’t envy her one bit!)

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